Useful links

We want this section to grow, partly based on your feedback of what you would like to have more information about, and partly as we add more neurology information and sources of information. 

To start this off, we have included links (in the titles) to several sites that I find useful and often recommend to patients as good sources of information.

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) – A Patient’s Guide to FND (

Gives good information about tics, seizures, movement, limb and gait disorders.

Headache Relief Guide

A good guide to headaches and how to avoid triggers and manage symptoms.

STARS (Syncope Trust and Reflexic Anoxic Seizures)

STARS provides information about the majority of syncopes, causes and how to help deal with them and prevent them.

Unique | Understanding Rare Chromosome and Gene Disorders

This site was developed by Unique Charity to help parents understand more about chromosomal and genetic disorders. It contains fact guides, cartoons for children and a lot of information and help and support groups.

A site run by the US National Library of Medicine, mainly used by healthcare professionals to check for details of any clinical trials, that have completed, are in progress or are looking for potential patients to take part across the world.

PANDAS Physicians Network (

Mainly used by healthcare professionals, this site aims to provide clinical protocols for the diagnosis and treatments of children with PANS/PANDAS.


This is a charitable site which has experts in psychology and neuroscience who visit schools to implement better learning techniques and also provide help for adolescents struggling with anxiety or other issues.