Dr Loucas Christodoulou MD FHEA FRCPCH
Dr Christodoulou works with children and young adults with general paediatric concerns and has an interest in neurology.
He has an impressive international and UK training and career, and is multilingual. Though born in Cyprus, he completed his undergraduate studies in Hungary with a scholarship and received his specialist training in the UK. He worked in a few interim Consultant Posts in General paediatrics within the NHS, before being appointed as a Consultant Paediatrician with neurology interest at West Middlesex University Hospital (June 2021), where he is currently the epilepsy lead.
Dr Christodoulou is attuned to work in Neurology, and Neurodisability. His level of knowledge and his commitment to his patients is impressive. He has set up and contributed to several services dedicated to patient care and telemedicine and has received several awards, including an NHS National Healthcare Transformation award for engaging patients and the community. He was also acknowledged for his contribution to a book for migraines in children and young adults. He has several publications in the field of paediatric neurology and is currently a member of a multinational committee of neuropaediatricians looking at improving the diagnosis of Dravet syndrome.
Since 2014, he has been working within the NHS, treating children with various neurological concerns. He has joined the team at NeuroVoyager as an associate Consultant Paediatrician with an interest in setting up clinics such as diagnosing and managing first seizures and headaches in children.
For a full CV including Fellowships, Articles and Accreditations please contact us