Neurophysiology is a medical specialty that studies the nervous system’s function, particularly the brain, to help diagnose and treat neurological disorders.
EEGs (Electro Encephalo Grams) are requested to review the electrical signals that your child’s brain is producing. This is a diagnostic tool used frequently for children who have experienced seizures and there are several types of EEG. The main difference is the time taken for the EEG as it is not always possible to capture any abnormal activity in a short space of time. Therefore, we may need to repeat an EEG for a longer duration.
Typically, video-EEG will answer the following questions:
- Is it epilepsy or not?
- If it is not epilepsy, what is it?
- If it is epilepsy, what type?
- If seizures are focal, where is the focus?
In most cases, the question of “epilepsy or not” is easily answered.